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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's a boy!

Yesterday we had a 21 week ultrasound. It was really an amazing experience. We had a couple before that weren't at all in depth and were earlier in the pregnancy, at 8 and 14 weeks. During this one we got to see EVERYTHING. We got to see all through his little brain, and all the parts of it look perfect. We could see his little nose and mouth and even his tongue moving in his mouth! He wiggled all over the place and sucked his thumb and streeeetched all the way out. It was really amazing feeling his big movements and seeing it at the same time on the screen. We saw his heart, all four chambers beating away at 144 bpm, and even the arteries going in and coming out of it. The tech showed him in cross-section all the way down his body... lungs, diaphragm, stomach, kidneys... and of course that was when we learned that he is most definitely a boy. I probably shouldn't post this, but I'm going to do it anyway because it makes me smile at how obvious it is.

We saw where the umbilical cord attached to him and the placenta, and the tech was able to color the blood flow based on the movement so we saw red blood twisting in the cord into his body and blue blood going back out. His spine and all the attachments and fluid looked great as well!

We saw five fingers on his hands and his little feet look perfect too! I guess the toes are harder to see so they look and make sure it looks like they have "at least" five toes on each foot, lol.

It was amazing seeing the bones in his little body so clearly.

She measured his head and femur bone and the size of his body and everything was perfect as far as dating. I think our official due date is now March 23rd, 2011. It's funny how it's been the 22nd, the 23rd and the 24th... so really it doesn't matter, we know it will be sometime around there.

This morning I woke up and felt him wiggling around and realized that we are going to have a SON. It really hit me harder than it has before. It's amazing and scary and wonderful, but I can't wait to hold him. :) Bye for now!